Saturday, January 2, 2016

For it is just the beginning

I couldn't quite begin on the first day of the year. That would be too predictable, too conformist, too laden with inherent chances of complete failure. Hence, the second day of the year it is. Second by two hours (since it is indeed 2am), but second nonetheless.
And as I look at this piece of blank digital paper, I wonder what I shall write about for (aspirational-y) the next 365 days. Whether the pretending-hard-not-to-be-a-new-years-resolution resolution is really going to be an easy breezy - here, these are my lofty, albeit unsolicited-by-the-universe thoughts/ experiences of the day- exercise. Or if it will require dedication, patience, grit, and that scariest of all qualities - commitment! - to see it to the end.

Only time will tell. But in the mean time, I am glad that I could muster a little write today. And I shall hope the same for tomorrow, and the day after and after and after... So here's raising a virtual glass to the art of verbalizing wisps of randomness gently floating around in the spherical orb that I call my brain. I wish me luck. Cheers!

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